Wednesday 1 May 2019

2nd May 2019

Here's to the strongest woman I know.

Happy Birthday Ma 😊

Dear Ma,

                       At first I thought of creating a website of your name as a part of your birthday gift as I believed that in today's world having a digital presence is the greatest gift one can give. However, it was later that I realized, you probably won't like the idea. As a kid I often used to gift you hand written letters on your birthday and now since I've grown up and am equipped with technology, why not make a better use of the social media.

I just wanted to say thank you for all the sacrifices, compromises and pain you have gone through to raise me.I know, living in a patriarchal society it is obvious that child bearing isn't a matter of choice. Even then you chose to cherish and raise me with so much love and compassion. I also know that handling me is not a cake walk. I can be the most annoying and cruel daughter at times. I can't even realize the number of times I would've hurt you unknowingly. For all that I'm extremely sorry.

I don't know if I've told you this before but I want to be with you in your struggles. I can't solve problems, but at least I hope that you can have the relief of having someone by your side. Now, you might be thinking that these are just good words. But, let me tell you this, I've always aspired to become a stronger version of you and be with you whenever you need me.

The freedom to think for oneself, is not something easily available in today's world. And I'm so grateful and proud that you gave me that freedom. The first sign of an open-minded individual is to respect everyone's thoughts and perspectives. Thank you so much for being that.

For the whole world I might be the critical, headstrong girl, but on the inside I'm the most gullible. You know this very well 😁. And this why it is better to have you as my mother than my best friend.

There are so many things I wanted to say but.... somehow I just can't right now. Anyways, a very happy birthday once again. Love you.

                                                                                                                  Yours Lovingly